Topos-BasicintroductiontoMatlab – Luiz Naveda

Tutorials for Matlab

There are many different ways to learn Matlab:

  1. In the Matlab go to Help and follow “Get Started with Matlab”
  2. Oficial webminar from Mathworks:
  3. MIT introduction to Matlab:
  4. Mathworks video series:

Below I present a selection of basic concepts from the MathWorks video series. These concepts are all used in the introduction to mocap in Matlab.

Getting started

Try to repeat the instructions.
Try to get used with the Help section.
(the interface is different from the actual matlab 2015 but the operation is basically the same)

Working with the interface

Get used with the interface
Introduction to Toolboxes

Writing scripts in the Editor

Write and store your procedures in Editor

Working with basic matrices

Introduction to Matrices and Cells

Important concepts used in Mocap Toolbox

Plotting with Matlab

Working with section (cells) in your code