Miradas do Caos I (2013)

Project: Miradas do Caos

A fascinating project involving dance, visuals, interactivity. Premiere dates in 2013.

In this project I developed a system using 3D, image and Video (Pure Data) controlled by the a video performer in close (human) interaction with the dancer. I composed the origjnal music specifically for this performace (see media).

Keep an eye on the website


  • Fernanda Preta – Performer
  • Paulo Chamone – Movement director
  • Julião Villas – Visual Producer
  • Luiz Naveda – Interactive design

Info: “Miradas do caos é uma trilogia composta por três performances cujo tema aborda as poéticas do caos. As noções de instabilidade, aleatoriedade e não-linearidade que cercam o caos integram o eixo temático das performances.

Três diferentes aspectos do caos são explorados pela trilogia: o social, o ambiental e o do indivíduo. Assim, as três partes que a compõem tratam o caos, com relação a três planos, respectivamente: o humano e mental; a natureza e seus agenciamentos; e a subjetividade e a psique.”


Miradas do Caos (Chaos looks) is a trilogy composed of three performances have a theme on the poetics of chaos. The notions of instability, randomness and non-linearity involving the concept of chaos merge into the thematic axis of the performances.

Three different aspects of the chaos are developed in this trilogy: the social, the environmental and the aspect of the individual. Likewise, the three compound parts work on the chaos, in relation to three plans, respectively: the human and mindful; the nature and its agencements; and the subjectivity and the psyche”

Photos: Luiz Naveda