I was born in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, son of a Brazilian-Italian mother and a Peruvian father.
My parents make maps.
My early studies were concentrated on music performance and music education. I have a background on performance of guitar (BA guitar, UEMG, 1999), chamber music and a long experience as a music teacher.
In my masters in Music Performance (MA, UFMG, 2002) I have worked with the psychoacoustics of the guitar sound. More specifically I was interested in the trend between the characteristics of loudness and tonal qualities in the performance of the classical guitar.
In my PhD studies (Art Sciences, Musicology) at Ghent University (2011), I was interested in the relationship between music and dance in the Afro-Brazilian samba. The work involved sound and movement analysis and made use of computational methods to map music and gesture.
In recent years, I have been looking at ways of combining information from music and movement and how we could envisage new ways to understand the performance of music and dance forms in cultures, art performance and with technology.
For more details of my career, see the Curriculum or Publication sections.